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And We’re Back!

Wow, it’s been a while since our last Eddie update! Sorry everyone! First thing’s first… a new picture! Here’s Eddie enjoying the sand pile at the farm:





Eddie and sister Scarlet had their first birthday on June 26th! There was a round of celebratory pig ears 🙂 Eddie also got a new bed, since he outgrew the other one:




He really seems to enjoy it…







Other than having a birthday, there’s not too much else to report.   We had noticed that he had been scratching a lot, and that his skin was really red and inflamed, so when it didn’t improve we took a trip to see Dr. B.   Turns out that Eddie basically has seasonal allergies.  We learned that dogs don’t respond the same way that humans do to inhaled allergens, so instead of sneezing and discharge they get itchy.   He responded well to a steroid shot, so we’re hoping that can get him through the rest of allergy season comfortably 🙂

His new favorite activity this summer at the farm has been playing in the ditch full of muddy water – after which he usually goes straight to the sand pile, coming out resembling a sugar coated doughnut. Needless to say, we’ve had to give a lot of baths prior to the car ride home!

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^ That’s Eddie on the left and Scarlet on the right. She also enjoys the ditch, but not quite to the extent that her brother does!


Hope you all enjoy the pictures!   Stay tuned for more updates, as we will soon be tackling the task of neutering! We’ll leave you with one more picture for now – Eddie on his birthday!


4 Comments so far

  1.   maximutt on September 3rd, 2014          Reply

    Ummmmm….who’s that gigantic dog and what did he do with Lil Eddie??? Hahaha! I can’t believe how much he’s grown. I still remember his little puppy photos!
    Happy Birthday Eddie! Hope you had a great time wallowing in that mud ditch!! And I LOVE the photos of you in your new bed!!

  2.   benny55 on September 4th, 2014          Reply

    Enjoyed the bet!!! Have me grinning ear to ear over here!

    I love Eddie’s. Arious sleeping positions! Merry Myrtle and I want to come snuggle!!

    CANNOT BELIEVE HOW HUGE HE HAS GOTTEN!!!He’s such a handsome young boy!!

    I lpve that he and Scarlet have such a good timenin the ditch! Just dogs being dogs…or sugar covered donuts!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDIE AND SCARLETT! And thanks for lettingnus share in the celebration!

    Wonderful update!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  3.   jerry on September 6th, 2014          Reply


    You are so huge! I know you’re gonna outgrow that new bed even faster. Look out world, Eddie is taking over!

    Glad to see you having so much fun, you really put a smile on my face today 🙂

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